Naturally Smart _

What is Naturally Smart?

We help people to act to restore their health, their places and the planet. We do this with as many people as possible, worldwide.

This knowledge, skill, understanding and capability is what people need to respond to the challenges of the 21st century.

We use this to encourage people to take action and we support them in doing this.

We all need to be Naturally Smart

What is Naturally Smart?

Naturally Smart is a toolkit that encourages critical thinking about place, leading to sustainable actions in that place.

The toolkit includes physical and digital resources, training and development programmes, gatherings, consultancy and support.

Naturally Smart will primarily be used in educational institutions across the world, however the toolkit is flexible and could be used by anyone in any place.

How do we do this?

We provide an opportunity for people to learn and develop sustainability focused knowledge, skills and practical solutions.

We facilitate a network for innovative ideas and processes for sustainable futures.

We create links and relationships between learning communities.

We raise awareness and understanding about the present and plan for future sustainability.

Stage 1
Connect with a Naturally Smart Rep. to understand the project.
Stage 2
Understand how to use the physical and digital toolkit.
Stage 3
Use the physical toolkit to discuss and identify sustainable strengths and weaknesses of the organisations place.
Stage 4
Pinpoint appropriate areas of focus and create a plan of action points. Create a series of projects to help drive sustainable solutions.
Stage 5
Upload progress reports, share resources, ideas generated from projects and view and learn from other organisations within the network through the online platform.
Stage 6
Your Naturally Smart scoring and accreditation rises as you continue with the project and the Naturally Smart logo can be used proudly to show your commitment to sustainability.